300 malicious websites were blocked in Kazakhstan

On 24th July, the Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan reported about the detection of malicious websites.

Phishing pages, virus programs and other malicious software were detected at about 300 websites in Kazakhstan. According to the Ministry, it threatens the security of Internet users.

The Computer Incident Response Service (KZ-CERT) in the form of an order forced companies KazNic and Hoster.kz to block 288 websites in one evening.

The site owners are puzzled about why the company KazNic blocked websites without a reason, without any notice or warning. Hoster.kz and KazNic answered:"We got an order to disable — we disabled".

It turned out that on 14th March Mr Daulet Yergozhinhe, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on National Security of Kazakhstan said that the Committee can block IP addresses in exceptional cases, for example, in the case of cyber attacks on information resources of the executive bodies or important infrastructure facilities. Is it possible that all sites were blocked for this exceptional reason?

- Christina

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