Uber Says: 2.7 million British Users Affected by Data Breach

Uber Technologies has revealed to Britain's data protection regulator that 2.7 million British users were affected by a 2016 security breach, which was covered up for more than a year.

The breach compromised personal data of more than 57 million riders and drivers worldwide. The leaked data includes users names, mobile phone numbers and email addresses.

“Uber has confirmed its data breach in October 2016 affected approximately 2.7 million user accounts in the U.K.,” said James Dipple-Johnstone, the deputy commissioner of the Information Commissioner’s Office data regulator.

ICO said they want the company to notify all their affected British users, both Uber drivers, and passengers, as soon as possible.

An ICO spokesman said: "As part of our investigation we are still waiting for technical reports which should give full confirmation of the figures and the type of personal data that has been compromised."

London Mayor Sadiq Khan described the latest development as the "shocking" incident.

"Uber needs to urgently confirm which of their customers are affected, what is being done to ensure these customers don't suffer adversely, and what action is being taken to prevent this happening again in the future," he said.

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