Canadian accused in 2014's Yahoo Hacking Case

A Canadian youth accused by the United States of helping Russian intelligence agents in hacking Yahoo emails in 2014, according to court records.

Karim Baratov is scheduled to appear before the federal court in San Francisco on Tuesday for the plea hearing, and it is expected that he would plead guilty.

Baratov is a 22-year-old Canadian citizen born in Kazakhstan, was arrested in Canada in March at the request of U.S. prosecutors. He was sent to U.S. this summer after he was waived off his right to fight against a  U.S. request for his extradition from Canada.

Baratov is accused of hacking 80 Yahoo accounts and faces 20 years in prison in the U.S. if convicted.

However, both Baratov's lawyer, Andrew Mancilla,  and U.S. Attorney's Office in San Francisco declined to comment.

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