How to Stay Safe While Using Hotel Internet Services

How to Stay Safe While Using Hotel Internet Services
Most hotels nowadays offer free or paid Wi-Fi Internet Services access as an amenity to guests. While this can be a great convenience, you should not always assume the connection is as secure as it should be, and being hacked remains a high possibility when using a public network utilized by dozens of people at a time.

Follow these steps for advice on staying safe when using hotel internet services.

  • Make sure you set your computer's configuration so that it will not connect to hotspots run by hackers trying to steal your identity. If possible, use an ethernet connection rather than a wireless one.
hotel internet services

  • Disable File Sharing on your computer (Windows). There are safety features you can choose from when you connect to a public WiFi network. It opens up the Control Panel to ask if it is your home network, your work network, or a public network. If you select public, then it will turn off file sharing automatically for safety.
hotel internet services
  • If the network has a fake name (such as "Free Public Wi-Fi"), don't select it. Instead, use the WiFi provided by the hotel.
hotel internet services
  • Do not use hotel Wi-Fi for anything that requires you to enter personal or sensitive information. This includes online banking, shopping, etc.
hotel internet services

Hotel Internet Services​ Tips & Tricks

If the hotel internet services has free Wi-Fi, make sure it is secured so hackers can't get your personal information.
Use a VPN which encrypts your traffic and your information.


If hackers get your credit card information, they might use it for online shopping and then you will be liable for the charges, so prevent it by never using public Wi-Fi for banking or Hotel Internet Services​

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