How to Get 5K Like Automatically On Your New Created Facebook Page

How to Get 5K Like Automatically On Your New Created Facebook Page
You might be wondering when will your Facebook Page even reach 1000 like sometimes it can even take you years to get 500 like not to talk of 1000, but today am going to show you how to get 5000 like in just a day or two days after creating your page. This trick is working and it is what am using till now. Why do you think Hacker News UK Facebook Page has 5000 plus like something that is not up to a month that I created the Page.

Let’s talk about the Disadvantage and the Advantage of this.

Advantage: is that you will have all your friends like your Page automatically, cause they don’t have a single choice. You will not lose your Facebook profile instead you will have too account a Page with about 4000 or 5000 like and a Profile Account.

Disadvantage: the only disadvantage here is when you want your Facebook Page to have a special name. Maybe you want your Page to represent your Business, Your Site or any other, in doing this you need to change your Facebook account name to your business name, or your site name. Example Hacker News UK. I had to change my own facebook account name to Hacker News UK cause that the name I want to use for the Page.

Note: Once you change your Facebook account name it will take you another 60 days to change it back.

How To Get 5000 Automatically Facebook Like 

First change your Facebook account name to the name you want your Page to be
Now Click here to Migrate your Facebook profile to Page.

It will only take seconds and it done,after that in tthe next page it will show you your news created page. Now you will see another 4 options under your Add Info To Your Page. So click on the Choose Friends To Like Your Page.

Select All Friend

after you have done it will redirect you back to your new Page having all your Facebook friends automatically like it.

Tips and Tricks

I usually recommend that wait so that you can have 5000 friends on your account before you start.

Note: To get more friends in a week I will advise you to open a new Facebook account. When registering it use a Female name and select your gender as Female that when you can have friends quick.
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