What is a Hackintosh?

A Hackintosh is clearly PCs that run MAC os on non-apple hardware. This could apply to any hardware, whether it’s a manufacturer made or personally built computer.
Most of you probably want to install MAC OS on your non-apple computer, there is actually a way to install MAC OS on a home build PC and that’s called a Hackintosh.
The Hackintosh is a custom mac or it is the action of you installing Mac OS x onto a PC, so you build a PC instead of installing Windows you can install Mac and this operation only works for the certain type of PCs, it depends on the motherboard and the CPU to get Hackintosh installed, but how does this process work?
First, you need to check that your hardware is compatible or not, the Hackintosh community has actually compiled lists of components that users have had good luck with. Once you verified that your existing system is compatible, the next step is to get a copy of MAC OS and then create a bootable USB using some special software like UniBeast, it’s a popular tool that you can use to create a bootable USB drive from your Mac App Store purchased copy of Install Mac OS X Lion or Apple Store purchased Mac OS X Lion USB Thumb Drive.
Also, you need to tweak you Bios settings, this typically involves disabling features (VT-D – CFG-LOCK – secure boot – IO serial port) designed for Windows machines. After all of that, you need to make your MAC OS target disk bootable, you can use a utility called multi beast which will not only make your machine bootable but will attempt to install additional necessary drivers.
After all of that, you need to make your MAC OS target disk bootable, you can use a utility called multi beast which will not only make your machine bootable but will attempt to install additional necessary drivers. By this point, you are good to go with MAC OS.

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