Satan Ransomware Is Still Active and Available on the Dark Net

There are two likely ways of hearing about Satan Ransomware. Maybe you have researched it from an (…ethical) hacking perspective or maybe you’ve been the victim of the ransomware itself. Whatever the reason, you are left in a similar spot…
Available on the dark net’s surface directory/hidden wiki, Satan is an easy-to-find website that offers free registration with permanent access. The site contains a friendly user interface for easy execution . . . any (lazy) hacker’s dream.
Satan Ransomware describes their service set-up and implementation:
“First of all, you’ll need to sign up. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll have to log in to your account, create a new virus and download it. Once you’ve downloaded your newly created virus, you’re ready to start infecting people.
Now, the most important part: the bitcoin paid by the victim will be credited to your account. We will keep a 30% fee of the income, so, if you specified 1 BTC ransom, you will get 0.7 BTC and we will get 0.3 BTC. The fee will become lower depending on the number of infections and payments you have.”
Satan not only provides free ransomware, but they also provide the decryption tool for the infected users that pay the ransom. Although the website is definitely unethical in its execution, the administrators do provide maximum security for the users that abuse the dangerous information.
Two-factor authentication is an added option for ransomware creators; providing them with the ideal means of “laying low”.  Satan ransomware is detected as Troj/Ransom-ECZ vulnerability during most scans. The outcome usually involves the encryption of a user/company’s private database, followed by the demanded ransom for the necessary decryption tools.
The best way to avoid Satan ransomware is to update/upgrade your devices and stay secure. If you are infected with the ransomware,do not pay it. You can find instructions on removal here.

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