How to Do Penetration testing with your WordPress website detailed Explanation

How to Do Penetration testing with your Wordpress website
WordPress is a free online Open source content Managed system focused on PHP and MySQL. It is one the powerful and most used blogging tool.
As there is too many up’s and down’s in WordPress usage, it requires a security improvement, so the penetration test is essential to find the vulnerabilities and to secure you WordPress powered blog.
Security researcher Daniel Cid says, in 2016 At least 15,769 WordPress websites – and probably more – have been compromised.With Sucuri report almost 78% of infected websites were built on the WordPress platform.

WordPress penetration testing with WPScan

WPscan is a WordPress vulnerability scanner created by Ryan Dewhurst and it was sponsored by Sucuri.It comes pre-installed with BackBox Linux, Kali Linux, Pentoo, SamuraiWTF, BlackArch and it will not support windows.
With Wpscan we can enumerate theme, plugins, users, HTTP proxy and Wpscan will not check the source code of the page.
To Enumerate WordPress version, theme and plugin
wpscan –url –enumerate p wpscan –url –enumerate t
How to Do Penetration testing with your WordPress website
To Enumerate WordPress users
wpscan –url –enumerate u

How to Do Penetration testing with your WordPress website
To launch a brute-force attack
wpscan –url –wordlist /root/Desktop/password.txt –username kcwto
How to Do Penetration testing with your WordPress website
To Enumerate timthumbs
If you are still using TimThumb, even after a very serious vulnerability, you have one more reason to be concerned.
wpscan –url –enumerate tt
How to Do Penetration testing with your WordPress website
To store Output in a separate File
wpscan –url –debug-output 2>debug.log
Penetration testing is an art and the active analysis depends upon the security researcher, here we evaluated some of the basic and important checks that need to be with the WordPress powered website.

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