Hack it if you can: Election commission throws open challenge on EVMs

After issuing multiple statements on how electronic voting machines aretamper-proof, the election commissiontired of criticism has decided to throw open a challenge. The election commission has challeneged techies and enthusiasts to attempt hackingEVMs starting first week of May.
Hack it if you can: Election commission throws open challenge on EVMs
The election commission, following multiple complaints over alleged EVM rigging decided to throw open the challenge. The last time that the election commission offered EVM for a demonstration to prove whether it can be tampered or not was in 2009. This time around, the election commission will aloow challengers to bring in technology or equipment with which they demonstrate how tampering can take place.
The decision to allow the demonstration was arrived at after a team of technical experts delibrated the levels of demonstration that can be allowed without compromising the integrity of the machines. It was decided to throw open the challenge starting first week of May since the time limit for election petitions expires on April 26. After being accused of being hand-in-glove with the BJP over EVM tampering, the election commission now want naysayers to prove their claims.

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