This is the 3rd year Pwnie Express researchers have studied the wired, wireless, Bluetooth, IoT, and BYOD challenges facing IT security professionals in the workplace.
This report’s findings were culled from more than 800 IT security professionals and on-the-ground data from Pwnie Express sensors monitoring real life wired, wireless, IoT, and BYOD device data, and expert analysis from the Pwnie Express team of InfoSec professionals.
In the pages ahead, we will look at new insight from IT security professionals on many of the connected device concerns that we tracked in the 2016 IoET, including an extensive look at BYOD.
Key findings include:
  • We found that 66% don’t know or aren’t sure how many connected devices their colleagues bring into work.
  • 84 percent said Mirai changed their perceptions about IoT device threats.
  • Why only 22% have checked connected devices for malicious infections in the last year.