17 Year Old Guy Hacked Instagram and Created a $1000-a-Day App

ANDROID 17 Year Old Guy Hacked Instagram and Created a $1000-a-Day App
As we all are aware that Instagram uploads photos directly from our smartphones. But what if you could post photos to the Instagram directly from your computer?
A new app “Uploader for Instagram” developed by a 17 Year Old techsavvy guy named Caleb Benn, allows users to upload photos directly from the computer.
Instagram didn’t make any Uploader and isn’t at all behind it. But new app Uploader solves the problem of Instagram lovers who want to use the app on their computers & laptops. It took around a weekend to develop Uploader using Instagram’s application program interface (API). The app is available on Apple app store, where it costs $4.99 only. Benn, a 12th grader from Los Angeles and already owns two software companies, around $1,000 a day.
But the $35 billion company Instagram is not happy. An engineer from the company sent Benn an email last Friday claiming the app violated the company’s terms of service and that Benn needed to “fix” his app by Monday.
Benn said, “I believe it’s entirely legal for my app to perform these actions.” Legally Benn is wrong. Social Media Gaint Facebook, which owns Instagram, has restrictions against using its private API. As Benn gained access to the Instagram API by hacking Instagram, which he argues he didn’t do in order to “cause damage or anything,” his app could be forced to shut down by either Instagram or by the Apple app store.
The inventor of Twitter’s hashtag, Chris Messina, said that accessing the API “opens up possibilities for all kinds of abuse, from spambots or people uploading stuff from other channels.” He added : If Instagram wanted its users to post their photos directly from computers, then the company would’ve made that possible a long time ago.

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