How to Find and Play All of Facebook's Hidden Games

Facebook Messenger is a brilliant thing. Not only does it let us chat to our mates, anytime, anywhere, for free, but thanks to a number of hidden Facebook games that have emerged in recent weeks, it also offers up some secret entertainment for when the conversation dries up.
Finding these hidden Facebook games isn't always straightforward though – they're hidden for a reason. Fortunately, we've been doing some super sleuthing to hunt out all of Messenger's secret talents to provide you with a handy guide, not only on how to find them, but how to master them too.

Hidden Facebook Soccer Game

For when your chat is anything but a slam dunk, Facebook's hidden basketball game can provide hours of fun – seriously, this thing is ridiculously addictive.

Finding the hidden Facebook basketball game is surprisingly simple too. Once you've ensured you're running the latest version of Messenger, all you have to do is send a friend a basketball emoji. That's it. Now, clicking on that sent b-ball will launch the hidden game. Game on.

Both you and your friend can play within the chat window, with both players' high scores logged in the message feed – just so bragging rights can be duly appointed. If you hate losing, don't worry. A crafty YouTuber has found a brilliantly simple way to cheat at Facebook's hidden basketball game using nothing but a ruler – you're welcome.

Hidden Facebook Chess Game

Not everyone's into basic swipe-based ball games. If your gaming tastes are a little more highbrow, Facebook's hidden chess game is going to be more up your street. Finding FB's chess title is a little bit trickier than sending a picture-based word replacement. Instead, typing "@fbchess play" into a chat window should see a digital chessboard appear in a magical, Harry Potter-impressing fashion.

Now all you've got to do is master how to control the thing – something that's easier said than done. Instead of pointing and clicking to move your pieces, you're going to have to remember some shortcuts and square locations.

Every time you want to make a move, you'll need to type "@fbchess" followed by the piece abbreviation and the code for the square you want the piece to fill - confused?

OK, so here, K stands for King, Q for queen, B for Bishop, N for knight (are we all really that dense?), R for rook, and P for pawn. So, moving your king to square C5 needs you to enter "@fbchess Kc5" - got it?

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