Hackers breached the “The Standard Hong Kong” newspaper

The hacker  and his colleague @EvoIsGod have broken into the website of the Hong Kong English newspaper “The Standard Hong Kong” (www.thestandard.com.hk)
The hackers breached the database of the website and uploaded data to Pastebin.
I reached the hackers who confirmed to have hacked the website by exploiting a SQL Injection flaw in their CMS.

The hackers posted only a small portion of around 12000 users contained in the database.
“Most of the info is not dumped due to legal stuffs. It had around 12000 users but I dumped only quarter” wrote the hackers on Pastebin.

The hackers leaked the tables of the Customers and Employees.
According to @Cryptolulz666, most of the information in the database is quite confidential and should not be leaked for privacy reason.
When I asked them about the motivation of the attack they told me that their goal is to spread awareness of cyber security.

“Our objective is to embarrass the institutions… by exploiting their silly flaws…” they told me. “As I said we exploited a SQL injection vulnerability on their main website.”

Cryptolulz ( ) is a former member of the Powerful Greek Army, who hacked several government websites, including the one of the Russian embassy of Armenia (www.embassyru.am).

He also launched DDoS attacks against the website http://italiastartupvisa.mise.gov.it/ belonging to the Italian Government and the website of the Russian Federal Drug Control Service liquidation commission.

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